Prizes Awarded for the "Villas Floridas" Campaign

On 14 June, the Catalan Minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment, Josep M. Pelegrí, presided over the award ceremony for the first edition of the "Villas Floridas" campaign, run by the Confederation of Ornamental Horticulture of Catalonia (CHOC), an entity which involves Mercabarna-flor and the Association of Wholesalers (AEM).

This initiative was launched one year ago with the aim of rewarding Catalan towns that commit themselves to encouraging green areas in their area. In this first edition, in which a total of 16 towns have taken part, the jury has awarded the first prize to Cardedeu (Vallès Oriental), while the second and third prizes were awarded to Sant Hilari Sacalm (Selva) and Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Ripollès) respectively.

The event was attended by representatives of the different towns taking part and there was good attendance from the Catalan flower sector, including the management of Mercabarna and the Chair of the Mercabarna-flor Wholesale Association.