Mercabarna to Take Part in Alimentaria 2012

A new Alimentaria trade fair, the international reference point for professionals in the food and beverage distribution industry, will be held at the Gran Via site of Fira de Barcelona from 26 to 29 March. The last Alimentaria fair, in 2010, attracted nearly 4,000 exhibitors from 75 countries and drew around 140,000 visitors.

Once again, Mercabarna will be present at the fair, having its own stand in a prime position in the Autonomous Communities Pavilion, where it will promote the two large-scale food-sector projects it is running in conjunction with other institutions and organisations: the Barcelona Food Cluster Association and the Barcelona Food Platform. Mercabarna will also sponsor a number of events at the fair, such as the 9th International Congress on the Mediterranean Diet (27 and 28 March) and the activity entitled “Spain: The Country of 100 Cheeses".

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