Graduate in Business Management Wholesale Food

On July 7, will be held an information day on the 7th edition of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management Wholesale Food, course organized by the Association of Dealers Mercabarna (ASSOCOME) Triptolemos Foundation and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), which will begin in mid-October.

The session will be held at 18pm at the headquarters of ASSOCOME. For those who can not attend, there will be a new day on 15 September. More information:  

Mercabarna studies with higher food
Under the Postgraduate this year, the Mercabarna management gave a talk about future trends in consumption, which highlighted the cluster Mercabarna promoted as a tool for companies that want to commit to a strategic change. As in previous years, Mercabarna, through its Director of Markets and Development, Joaquim Ros, also gave a lecture in the Master in Food Business Management, organized by the UPC and degree Triptolemos. For the first time this class was to Mercabarna and included a visit to the Central Fruit and Vegetable and businesses Maresmar and Cadaico.