New Agriculture Minister and Lleida Mayor Take Part in National Pricing Table

Representatives from the Mercabarna Slaughterhouse, Mercolleida and the Talavera de la Reina market (which groups together the meat sector from central and southern Spain) met in Lleida on 26 January for the weekly sector conference to set beef prices for the whole of the national market, attended by a number of high-profile participants. The meetings are usually done by videoconferencing, but twice a year members meet in person to set prices and exchange opinions on how the sector is doing.
This year the meeting involved the participation of the mayor of Lleida and chair of Mercolleida, Àngel Ros; the new Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Natural Environment at the Government of Catalonia, Josep Maria Pelegrí; and the new Director-General of Agriculture and Livestock, Miquel Molins, who took advantage of the occasion to introduce themselves to the different meat sector representatives.