Mercabarna-flor, Wholesalers and Florists Promote Flower Buying through Barcelona Opportunity Week

Mercabarna-flor, the Central Flower Market Wholesale Business Association (AEM), the Catalonia Florists’ Association and 37 florist shops from Barcelona have joined the Barcelona Opportunity Week (BCNOW!) project, set to run from 28 January to 6 February.

BCNOW! is an initiative sponsored by Barcelona City Council and Turismo de Barcelona which aims to activate sales at one of the most sluggish times of the year, offering interested parties discounts in many commercial establishments and cultural facilities across town.

They include over 40 well-known restaurants (Casa Leopoldo, Hofmann, Els Pescadors, 7 Portes, etc.), 45 three-to-five star hotels, exclusive stores, a clutch of around 20 cinemas, theatres and museums (Miró Foundation, Picasso Museum, La Pedrera, the Maritime Museum and around 15 more), municipal markets and florist shops.

The full list of establishments and culture and leisure facilities offering discounts can be consulted at:

In the case of florist shops, the promotion will see the 37 establishments that have joined the project sell quality, beautifully presented bouquets at 11 euros throughout the week – a significant discount on the regular price.

BCNOW! also has a charitable mission, and some of the profits will go to charity groups. In the case of the florist shops, the money raised will go to the Food Bank Foundation.

Mercabarna florists join the initiative 
Florist shops taking part in the initiative include Mercabarna’s Caseta de las Flors, the flower and plant business in the Bank and Savings Bank area. It will be offering a number of special bouquets at a very affordable price until 6 February.

Examples of BCNOW! Bouquets
To give florists ideas, Mercabarna-flor, the AEM and the Catalonia Florists’ Association organised a demonstration on 17 December, run by the florist and director of the Rosa Valls-formació School, Rosa Valls, that involved preparing seven different models of bouquets, all of enormous quality and beautiful to look at. Attending florists were also given posters to put up in their shops to promote the campaign among the public.

Mercabarna-flor florists are supporting the project. For two weeks they will offer special discounts on products to all the florist shops that have joined the initiative.