Simphonie Children Visit ‘5 a Day’

The ‘5 a Day’ campaign received some very special visitors on 10 December: around 15 two- and three-year-olds from the Mercabarna crèche, Simphonie.

The goal was to show the boys and girls, who aren’t old enough to take part in the campaign, the activity that goes on outside the crèche.

The ‘5 a Day’ campaign also has a bearing on one of the main ideas in Simphonie’s educational philosophy, i.e., the importance of healthy food and the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption.

The activity began with a walk around the Market where the campaign staff talked about the different types of fruit and vegetables.

The children then took part in a sampling workshop, where they tried delicious fruit brochettes. The visit also enabled the children to see what goes on in the Market and to learn more about the place where many of their parents work.