Training Area Steps Up Courses for Groups with Job Placement Difficulties

In addition to joint projects with the CIRE (Initiative Centre for the Reinsertion of Penitentiary Inmates), the Gypsy Secretariat Foundation, the programme Barrios de Barcelona Activa (which provides guidance to young people from disadvantaged areas at both the social and labour levels) and Badia del Vallès Town Council (which trains unemployed women), the Training Area is now working with the church-based organisation Cáritas Diocesana.

This month, the Training Area has started giving courses on working in a delicatessen, as a fruit vendor or as a warehouse assistant to train the people who come in, courtesy of this entity. Furthermore, in January the students will embark on a 50-hour stint of work practice. Businesses interested in taking on trainees are welcome to contact the Training Area on 93 556 34 56.