Market Businesses Support Fruit Attraction Once Again

Organised by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers and Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Live Plants (FEPEX) and Madrid’s Trade Fair Park IFEMA, this year the fair assembled the main players in Spanish fruit and vegetable production and distribution under one roof for the second time. Turnout was very good –close to 13,000 people– with a significant increase in international attendance.

Like last year, Mercabarna and the Wholesalers Association (AGEM) arranged for the joint presence of four companies (Central Dica, Frutas Gavà, Frutas Escandell and Hermanos Fernández López) in the Cataluña-Prodeca area, which also housed the firm Frutas Diego Martínez. Other Market companies, such as Bargosa, Cultivar, Frutas E. Sánchez, Frutinter, Frutas Candil, Granero Cataluña, Frutas Plasencia and Sousacamp, were also present.

They all seized the chance to catch up with their regular suppliers and customers and to make new professional contacts.