New Business Opportunities for Fish Sector Companies

Some 60 people, including Mercabarna business owners and other fish sector professionals and representatives of organisations related to the agrofood sector, attended the second session of this project on 10 November. The conclusions of a study on new trends in fish consumption and purchasing were presented.

The study, based on visits and interviews with wholesalers and Spanish and international distributors, shows where new consumption trends in fisheries produce are heading (filleted, dishes ready for cooking and pre-cooked dishes) and announces the possible business opportunities opening for businesses that wish to respond to these new consumer demands.

Work groups for businesses
To reap the maximum benefit from these growing trends, the study proposes four major work areas in which interested businesses can define specific actions. These are traceability, processing – packaging – product preservation, distribution and collaboration with the different channels. The firms will now have to decide where they want to begin by joining one of the work groups.

For further information on this initiative, please contact Raúl Sánchez (934019739- raul.sanchez(ELIMINAR) or Pablo Vilanova (935563000-vilanova(ELIMINAR) or visit the website: