Mercabarna launches its new website

November 2015

Mercabarna has a new website, which is completely updated in terms of both its appearance and its operation. It allows for faster and more direct access to all the institutional information and the services in this food estate.

This updating reinforces the role of the website as a useful tool for those involved with Mercabarna, but also as a window open to the world to project its image. In addition, the new website is suitable for all devices and can be easily consulted from a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

A portal for the latest news and for carrying out operations

The website offers information of interest such as general news items about Mercabarna, a schedule of events, training courses, statistical data, etc. but also allows certain operations to be carried out. For example, through this new portal you can register for training courses, request a permit for construction work, apply for pass cards for the precinct, and find Mercabarna publications, among other operations.

The Mercabarna website in figures

  • The Mercabarna website has around 280,000 visits each year (around 800 per day)
  • Of these visits, 82% are national
  • The other 18% of the visits are international