Wholesale Dealers Association, Mercabarna and Municipal Markets Institute Join Forces to Promote Interactive Fish Centre

The Deputy Mayor with Responsibility for Finance and Economic Promotion at Barcelona City Council, Chair of Mercabarna and Chair of the Municipal Markets Institute, Jordi William Carnes, and the GMP Chair, Leandre Serra, signed the deals in an event that also included the Director-General for Fish at the Government of Catalonia, Martí Sans; the managing director of Mercabarna, Montserrat Gil de Bernabé; and the manager of the Municipal Markets Institute, Jordi Torrades.
The agreement will see Mercabarna grant the Centre a 220 m2 space in the Central Fish Market and build a visitor’s access. It will also collaborate with the different campaigns organised to promote fish consumption among children.
The Municipal Markets Institute will collaborate on the design of the Centre with the goal of highlighting the role markets play in fishery product distribution and knowledge about fish among the public. “Both Mercabarna and the Institute have a firm commitment to preserving our Mediterranean culture,” Mr Carnes said. “This is shown in the support we are providing to the Centre to promote the consumption of fresh, healthy food among children, the consumers of tomorrow.”
Mr Serra said the Centre is “a project by a country committed to children and young people as well as a new facility for Catalonia. The Association is working hard to promote it and it is very gratifying to see public administrations and private organisations getting behind us.”

A Space to Learn More About Fish
The Interactive Fish Centre, a pioneering initiative in Spain, is designed as an attractive, modern museum space where, by teasing their senses and the different interactive audiovisual games, the public at large and in particular primary-school children aged 8 to 11 can learn more about fishery produce.
Work has already begun on the building and is expected to end in June.

Photo caption 1: Virtual image of the future Interactive Fish Centre
Photo caption 2: (left to right) the Mercabarna Managing Director; the GMP Chair; the Mercabarna Chair; the Director-General for Fish and the Manager of the Municipal Markets Institute at the signing of the agreement