The future of wholesale markets, open to discussion

Around 200 representatives of wholesale markets from all over the world, including the management of Mercabarna, met in Paris between 23 and 25 September, at the annual conference of the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM).

The conference covered topics such as the relationship between markets and their producers and suppliers, and adapting to the demands of new distribution channels. There was also a debate on the role of marketing in the sale of fresh produce and the need to adopt more sustainable models for goods transport in large cities. The seminars concluded with a visit to Rungis, the Paris wholesale market, which hosted this meeting to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its establishment.

Mercapalma: the venue for the next conference
Mercapalma and Mercasa will organise the next WUWM conference, which will beheld in Palma de Mallorca between 20 and 23 April. The sessions will be entitled “A Global Range for All Demands”, and will analyse the response of wholesale markets to the recession and their role in promoting healthy eating habits, among other areas.