The Barcelona Food Cluster Association is Created

This great alliance was made official on 23rd July with an event attended by Montserrat Gil de Bernabé, Mercabarna's Managing Director; Joan Llonch, Assocome's Chair; Esteve Borrell, Managing Director of CZF; and Josep Miquel Piqué, Managing Director of 22@Barcelona.
This new not-for-profit association will present the candidature for the city's food cluster to the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade for it to be included in the AEI (Innovative Companies' Cluster) Register. At the same time, a Strategic Plan is also being drawn up which will define the activities to be carried out within the cluster framework.

Mercabarna, leading this project
Mercabarna has been nominated by Barcelona City Council to head this future food cluster. The reasons behind this are clear. At this site there is a high concentration of companies from the sector and furthermore there are representatives from the different distribution chain agents (wholesalers, retailers, producers, logistics companies, businesses offering specialised services, etc.) all gathered under one roof. Once it is up and running, this cluster will draw a large variety of food companies who, due to the mere fact of forming part of this business centre, will be able to participate in the activities defined within the strategic plan and who will enhance and develop commercial and logistics strategies, innovation, training, internationalisation and shared technology, coordinating projects with research and technology centres.