Celebration to Mark the Tenth Anniversary of the ‘5-a-Day’ Campaign: A Roaring Success

Many of the boys and girls who took part in the campaign throughout the school year saw it as a must-attend event, and the same was true of the schools that have participated over the past 10 years and the business owners and employees of the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market, accompanied by their families. Naturally the emphasis was on fruit and vegetables. There was no shortage of fruit brochettes dipped in delicious chocolate fondue, glasses of orange juice and a cornucopia of fruit and vegetables, which delighted children and adults alike. Indeed, they needed that extra nutritional boost to enjoy the numerous recreational activities that took place in the Market that morning: circus workshops (trapeze, stilts, unicycles and juggling of all types), traditional games (shooting galleries, bowling, horseshoes), drawing workshops and inflatable toys. The grand finale was a performance by a troupe of comic acrobats with an act based on the ‘5-a-day’ message.

A Consolidated Campaign
During the party, Mercabarna’s managing director Montserrat Gil de Bernabé thanked the AGEM for “its involvement” in an initiative that “has helped improve the eating habits of countless children and their families”. AGEM chair Casimiro Llorens pointed out the prestige acquired by a campaign “in which 60,000 schoolchildren have taken part in its 10 years of operation”.
The celebration also set the scene for launching the campaign’s new image, which has been adapted to the tastes of boys and girls of 9 and 10 years of age. The most relevant innovation is the addition of five funny and endearing characters that help reinforce the benefits of fruit and vegetables even more.