Day Session on Technology and Food Safety

On 1 April, some 30 quality technicians from Mercabarna businesses attended an informative session on food safety organised by the Mercabarna Training Area and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). The purpose of this day-long event was to present the agreement which in brief will be signed by Mercabarna, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Foundation for the Study of Prevention and Integral Safety. According to the terms of this agreement, Mercabarna businesses will benefit from advice on food produce storage, the use of additives and other issues related to food safety. Moreover, they will be able to take advantage of the worthwhile training offer in food technology, legal standards for food handling, cleaning and disinfection, etc which the Training Area and the UAB will be offering on a joint basis.

During the session, José Juan Rodríguez, director of the Food Safety Observatory, gave a presentation on control and storage technologies for fresh produce and stressed the importance of hygiene and disinfection of facilities as one of the major determinants in the life of fresh produce.