Major Celebration Planned to Mark 10 Years of ‘5-a-day’

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the ‘5-a-day’ campaign. And, to celebrate this milestone, Mercabarna and the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Dealers of Barcelona and Province (AGEM) are planning a major celebration aimed at Market business owners and employees and their families and at the pupils of the schools that take part in this initiative year after year. Scheduled for 17 May, the event will feature workshops and circus events, games for the young and not so young, natural juices, fruit brochettes and chocolate fondue, and gifts for all the children.

Ten years educating the consumers of the future
Mercabarna and AGEM kicked off the ‘5-a-day’ campaign in 1999, with the purpose of boosting fresh fruit and vegetable consumption, particularly among the youngest age groups of the population, and thus helping to improve their eating. The campaign slogan refers to the number of daily servings of fruit and vegetables that doctors and dieticians recommend for a healthy, balanced diet. Since it first began, the number of campaign participants has not ceased to grow. From the 1,500 schoolchildren who took part in the first edition, this figure has soared to 6,000 today. All in all, some 40,000 children from public, private and private-public schools in Catalonia have participated in this campaign over its 10-year history.