New Florist Shop at “La Caseta de las Flores”

The florists’ area in the Mercabarna shopping hall is under new management. Since 6 February, Maria Azcàrate Capell has been in charge of the only place in Mercabarna where plants and flowers can be bought, renaming it “La caseta de las flores”. Even though the enterprise is small in size, Mariona – as she likes to be called – plans to increase her services: “As Mercabarna-flor is only 10 minutes away, my intention is to give a rapid response to any order, from small floral creations to large bouquets, wreaths, accessories or whatever is needed”.

Her objective is to help Mercabarna customers with their purchases. For this reason, she is extending her opening hours, which in theory will be from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, and until midday on Saturday. She also takes orders by email ( and by phone, from 7am to 8pm (tel. 635 091 493). Another of her initiatives has been to start a delivery service for orders and she intends to sell flowers and plants on Saturdays early in the morning in the Central Fish Market.

Mariona trained to be a qualified florist at the Rosa Valls-Formació School at Mercabarna, and has three years’ experience with several florists.