New Head of Environment and Cleaning at Mercabarna

Georgina Cepas Ordax is, as of the start of February, the new Head of Environment and Cleaning at Mercabarna. She trained as an industrial technical engineer specialising in industrial chemistry and, with a postgraduate degree in environmental management, Georgina (32) has formed part of the Department of Environment and Cleaning at Mercabarna since February 2008. Until that moment she had carried out tasks as Head of Industrial Waste, in close collaboration with the former Head of Industrial Waste, Sofia Bajo, who left the position in October 2008.

Immediate projects
In this new phase, one of the objectives of the new Head of Environment and Cleaning is to increase the recycling of waste (currently at Mercabarna, 82% of waste generated is recycled) and to reduce indiscriminate waste (mixed, non-recyclable waste). To achieve this, there is a plan to put an environmental awareness campaign into effect for Mercabarna users, and also to facilitate the separation of waste at the different markets.