Market Sales and Prices Steady in 2008

This stability in the Market’s commercial activity was also seen in the sale of fresh and frozen products, which maintained their tonnage with respect to the previous year. What did change were the prices.

In the case of the fresh products, prices rose 2%, a moderate increase explained by the upsurge of certain products such as tuna, salmon, hake and sardine. Frozen fish and seafood prices on the other hand fell almost 6%, particularly on account of the lower price of species such as Spanish squid, king prawn and red prawn.

Product Origin Stability
Half the fresh fish sold at the Market in 2008 was Spanish. This means product origin was similar to recent years. In contrast, changes were seen in the origins of fresh seafood, where imported species fell 5% with regard to the year before. While 48% of fresh seafood was imported in 2007, the figure was 43% in 2008, a trend explained by a drop in imports of mussels, farmed clams and baby clams.