L’Informatiu de Mercabarna publishes issue no. 250

Enric Crous, managing director of Mercabarna when the bulletin was first published and now manager of the Damm beer company, recalls, “The magazine came into being to inform users about Mercabarna’s operation and activities and to report the goings-on in the different Markets.

It also aimed to be a communication tool for the precinct’s workers and business owners so they could keep abreast of all of the projects and the company’s situation on the whole. It was a success right from the start, although business owners and employees were surprised when they first saw it,” he said.

From paper to online bulletin
The magazine has evolved with the passing of the years. It has varied its name (Mercabarna Informatiu; Informatiu; and today L’Informatiu de Mercabarna) and altered its image and contents, developing from what was basically a statistics bulletin into an informative news magazine.

Moreover, since September and as a sign of the times, Mercabarna not only publishes it on paper but also releases an online bulletin, the digital version which is emailed to precinct businesses and food sector entities and institutions across Spain. Yet despite these changes, the spirit and purpose of the magazine have remained constant: to inform you, month after month, about Mercabarna’s developments, what’s going on in the Markets and the businesses and topics of interest in the food sector. And, most of all, to reflect the everyday life of this ‘peculiar’ city.