The new head of the Border Inspection Points of Barcelona, in Mercabarna

Jointly organised by Mercabarna and Assocome (the Mercabarna Concessionaires’ Association), the meeting was attended by firms specialising in fish, such as Frimercat, Maresmar and Moray Fish y Gestión; preparation and services, including the Barrufet Group; fruit and vegetables, such as Torribas; and meat, like Sucarn.

During the meeting, the Mercabarna businesses that import products from third countries and which regularly use the BIPs explained the problems they had encountered with the service, caused above all by the short opening hours and lack of proper facilities.

Ms Vallés, who has headed the organisation and planning of the two BIPs since early August, in turn informed the business owners about the measures that have been implemented to address these shortcomings and to speed up the goods inspection service. Since October, the BIPs have extended their timetable to 12 hours and taken on more staff. Furthermore, renovation work has been carried out on the Port BIP facilities, expanding the office space and work areas.