Mercabarna presents award for best white fish recipe

The National Association of Spanish Fish Wholesalers (Anmape) presented the award on 17 December in Mercabarna at a press conference at which the Fruit and Fish Wholesalers’ Associations presented the consumer trends for Christmas.

The manager of the restaurant, Manuel Acuña, accepted the award on his chef’s behalf from Jordi William Carnes, Mercabarna president and Barcelona’s deputy mayor with responsibility for Finance and Economic Promotion, and Leandre Serra, president of the Fish and Seafood Wholesalers Guild and vice-president of Anmape.

Promoting fish consumption
The ‘Anzuelo de Oro’ (or Golden Bait) is a competition sponsored by Anmape with the collaboration of the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs and the Regulation and Organisation Fund for the Fish and Marine Cultures Market (FROM), which rewards the finest fish recipes in three different categories: seafood, white fish and oily fish. Chefs from across Spain uploaded close to 8,000 fish and seafood recipes to the website

Through this original initiative Anmape aims to further promote fish and seafood consumption. The awards for the seafood and oily-fish categories were presented in Mercamadrid and Mercasevilla respectively in early December.