Mercabarna Management and Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers Visit Rungis

The purpose of the visit was to witness the improvements the Parisian fruit and vegetable market has put in place and to learn how its managers and business owners are approaching the process of modernising the market facilities.

The Rungis market has very similar infrastructures and services to Mercabarna. They both, for example, have seven sales bays where some 200 wholesalers operate. During the visit, the Mercabarna delegation saw the latest work done at Rungis, such as the covering and separation of the loading and unloading bays and the implementation of a sprinkler-based fire-alarm system in all the common places and areas.

The Other Rungis Markets
Over the course of the day, the visitors also toured the other Rungis markets (i.e., Fish, Poultry, Meat, Cheese and Flowers), accompanied by Michel Escoffier, chairman of the French Wholesale Markets Federation. The recently revamped Fish Market was one of the facilities that impressed the Mercabarna team the most. Covering an area of 55,000m2, it is fully refrigerated and has a lighting system that improves product display.