
  • Formación Mercabarna carretillero torero
  • Formación Mercabarna pescadería
  • Formación Mercabarna carnicería y charcutería
  • Formación Mercabarna comercio

The Mercabarna Training Service, created in 1987, is one of the learning centres with the greatest prestige and experience when it comes to training professionals from the agro-food sector, especially those involved in the processing of fresh produce. Almost 200 courses are organised and taught in Mercabarna's facilities every year.

An employment opportunity for many

The Training Service runs courses for unemployed people who would like to work in the food sector and include internships. Mercabarna is authorised to give courses for the following professional certificates:

  • Slaughtering, dressing and butchering of animals
  • Sales activities
  • Florist activities
  • Auxiliary sales activities
  • Auxiliary warehouse activities
  • Auxiliary florist activities
  • Fishmongering and the preparation of fish and aquaculture products

It also collaborates with different non-profit institutions and organisations that work to promote the employment of disadvantaged groups.

Continuous training for employees

Mercabarna also provides courses to update the skills of food company employees. These cover different areas such as food safety, risk prevention, sales techniques, languages, computing, financial management, management skills, etc.

Complementary services

  • Design and management of specific training plans for companies according to their needs.
  • Service for the management of tax deductions for taking on training course graduates.
  • Listing of specialised students so that food industry companies can hire them for work experience.
