Photo contest 'Mercabarna Enfoca'

The first photo contest 'Mercabarna Enfoca' is an initiative of Mercabarna to advertise the daily work in this 'city that feeds the city'.

In May and June this special market has opened its doors to eighty photographers and instagramers that, through their images, they have expressed the dynamism of one of the most important driving forces in Barcelona. 

Visit the official website of 'Mercabarna Enfoca'

Contest for professional photojournalists

This photo contest is addressed to national and international professional photojournalists. The participants will get a deep, reasoned and positive outlook about, people's lives, facilities and values of Mercabarna.

The jury will be composed by three professional photojournalists and it will value the quality, solidity and coherence of the proposal; the positive effects of Mercabarna in society and the citizen's and the ability to transmit its values. 

  • Who can participate?

Any professional photojournalist or documentary photographer, over 18, regardless of nationality.

  • How can they participate?

It is required to fill the free registration form. The organization will communicate to the participant the available dates to enter the place to shoot. The deadline for registration is on 15th June.  

One only photographic series or story, consisting of maximum 15 images and 10 minimum will be allowed per participant.

  • What is the prize?

There is a single prize of 6,000€. 

Check the rules for professional photo contest

Contest for instagramers

This contest is addressed to instagramers. The intention of it is to obtain a fresh, immediate, close and intuitive vision of the daily activity of a market that will not stop during 24h, through the new technology of photography in social networks.

The images of the participants must get the essence of this big market that never sleeps to feed an entire city.

The jury will value the ability to show positively the #ExperienciaMercabarna: the daily work, people, the vitality, the huge variety of fresh products and the logistical capacity of one of the largest markets in Europe. 

  • Who can participate?

The instagramers must be over 18 years old. People who want to participate must have an open account with Instagram and follow our account @MercabarnaEnfoca

  • How can they participate?

It is required to fill the free registration form, which is available from 26th April to 8th May. If you are selected, you will receive an email indicating when you can attend the instagramer call. 

The maximum number of series to present will be 5, with 4 images per set.

  • What are the prizes?

Instagram contest has two prizes of € 1000 each for the two best photographic series.

Check the rules for Instagram photo contest