Mercabarna in figures
90 hectares
Surface area of Mercabarna
4,5 hectares
Surface area of Mercabarna-flor
Number of companies
- Central Fruit and Vegetable Market: 200
- Central Fish Market: 59
- Biomarket: 11
- Mercabarna-flor: 30
- Multipurpose Pavilion: 9
- ZAC: 182
- Restaurants, shops, offices: 64
Number of daily visitors
Vehicles that access it every day
Workers in the companies onsite
Financial figures for the company Mercados de Abastecimientos de Barcelona, SA
- €22,5 million
- €-6,8 million
Profit before tax
Mercabarna is the first wholesale market in Europe in the marketing of fruit, vegetables and fish
- Central Fruit and Vegetable Market: 2,075,323 tonnes
- Central Fish Market: 160,937 tonnes
- Slaughterhouse: 35,409 tonnes
- Mercabarna-flor: 7,185,154 units
- ZAC: 1,051,409 tonnes
Export volume
The companies export approximately 35% of the total produce that is moved each year by Mercabarna.
Import volume
The companies import approximately 25% of the total sold at Mercabarna.
32,040 tonnes of commercial and industrial waste collected per year. 77% of this waste is recycled.
20 professionals in the team of vets and support staff at the Barcelona Public Health Agency at Mercabarna which ensures food safety within the precinct.
A professional surveillance team made up of 62 people and more than 350 cameras provide security for Mercabarna 24 hours a day.
Mercabarna has the greatest concentration of cold-storage facilities in Spain, with 800,000 m3 of conventional and frozen industrial refrigerated warehouses.
Mercabarna companies donate 1.577 tonnes of fresh produce to the Food Bank each year.
Around 11,000 schoolchildren participate in the children's campaigns organised by Mercabarna and the Wholesalers' Association each year: "5 A Day" and "Grow Up With Fish".