Mercabarna is promoting a photo contest to make themselves better known

July 2016

On the 15th of July they will present the winning images from the 'Mercabarna Enfoca' contest, which is expected to have some 100 photographers, both professional and amateur, participating.

The writer Susan Sontag once said that photography is the way we look at things, not the look itself. With this premise in mind, Mercabarna created the 'Mercabarna Enfoca' awards, an initiative designed to show the daily life and the essence of this Food Unit through the eyes of professional and amateur photographers. The contest opened on the 26th of April and by the end of June it had attracted almost a hundred photographers, who have been able to visit and photograph different spaces and situations in the zone. 

Around thirty of them are photojournalists, the majority of them Spanish, and they have really captured the life, people and values of Mercabarna. The rest, around sixty users of the social network Instagram, participated in two meetings on the 12th of May and the 15th of June, when they were able to photograph the Central Fish and Fruit and Vegetable Markets.

Citizens can keep up to date with the contest through the profiles of 'Mercabarna Enfoca' on Facebook and Instagram, where they address matters like the way the facility works, its economic activity and the experiences of businesspersons and those who work there. 

On the 15th of July the contest prizes will be awarded; 6,000€ for the winner of the professional category and two awards of 1,000 for the Instagramers. The contest will be completed in Autumn with the organisation of an exhibition.  

The instagramers been able to portray the dynamism of the Central Fish Market
Professional photographers capture the essence of Mercabarna
Some participants in the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market